When do we meet?
We have two service times.
First service 8:30 AM (no child care available at this service)
Second service 10:30 AM (child care available)
What is it like?
We open our gathering with a greeting, prayer, and invitation to worship. Our worship consists of approximately 30-40 minutes of Spirit-focused praise, reflection, and surrender. A staff pastor will then welcome the congregation and dismiss elementary and middle school students. We receive our weekly tithes and offerings followed by a summary of events coming up in the church. The message brought forth is biblical, life-giving and practical. We often close with invitations to action and offer individual prayer.
What about my kids?
We value the next generation and provide safe environments for them to grow in relationship to others and Christ. Nursery and Preschool start at the beginning of the second service. Elementary and Middle School Students are dismissed after worship. Teens meet on Tuesday night from 7-8:30 at the church in their own room.
Where do I park?
You may park anywhere in the plaza near us. We reserve spaces for the handicapped and those who need assistance in front of our building.
What do I wear?
Come as you are. Staff is normally in casual attire.
How can I get connected?
We have a welcome desk for visitors and those seeking information and a pastor is available at connection point after the service. Additionally, we have small groups that meet during the week. Quarterly, Discover Crossroads is offered by Pastor Bobby to engage those new to the congregation in the vision, values, and ways to serve at Crossroads Community Church. We also offer Men’s meetings, Women’s gatherings, Prayer Groups, and Missions opportunities to get involved in.